IFT Federation Marines

Current Events and New Stuff

Contact Page

Marine Guidelines

IFT's Federation Marines


The mission of the Federation Marines

The mission of the Federation Marines
shall be to provide trained and
knowledgable personnel to assist with
chapter, IFT, and convention security,
real life assistance in emergency
situations, and to provide medically
trained personal for IFT events and

The role of the Marines in IFT

The role of the Federation Marines within IFT is extensive and ever-changing. Your experience can be what you make it! Members real life training, skills and knowledge can help to form their place within the Marines.

Marines in local chapters can organize useful activities such as blood drives, CPR and first aid training for their crew, fire safety awareness, self defense and even a community watch group.

Marines in chapters at close proximity to one another can organize their own disaster relief group, working with local authorities during times of crisis such as floods, fires and severe weather situations. Red Cross branches could be helpful with this, and would probably welcome this kind of volunteer assistance. They may be willing to provide some training to participating Marines.

When Marines attend a chapter function they can offer assistance with security and crowd control. Those with medical training could prove valuable until EMS arrives. The same is true for Marines attending IFT functions or fan conventions. Make sure to contact the persons in charge to offer your assistance!

The role of Marines Coordinator is just that - to coordinate Marines activities and ideas with IFT council. Council has provided a basic guideline for the Marines to follow. Any questions or problems that fall outside of this guideline, and that the coordinator can't answer, would then be directed to council for resolution.

As to training courses, we are working on some tutorials to guide Marines who want to learn the basics of event security, traffic and crowd control, disaster preparedness, and simple survival techniques. These guidelines will be at no cost, and will be posted on the web site as well as available for download from the Marines EGroup site.

As the Federation Marines are in their infancy, we hope that those IFT members who join will bring their skills, ambitions and desire to help their communities to help us make the Federation Marines a group to be proud of.

As you will see, the web site is under construction, but our EGroups site is up and ready for you to join.
Thank you for your interest and welcome to the Federation Marines!

Click below to join our EGroup! Click the email link on the right to email the Marines Coordinator!

Join the Federation Marines E Group!
E Groups are an easy way to keep up with what's going on with the Marines. There is also a chat feature, file sharing, and more!
Follow the link below to join!

Click to subscribe to FederationMarines

Make sure to stop by the other pages in this site for more information as it becomes available!

Go to the Contact Page to find email links for contacting the Marines Coordinator.
See the Shadow-Land IRC Chat Page for IRC info and a Java chat link! You can chat live in the Federation Marines IRC channel from this page!
The Marine's Guidelines page gives you some of our basic rules and regulations.


Join IFT today!

To be a Marine, you must be a member of IFT.

Click the link above to join!

For more information.....
Send an email to the Federation Marines Coordinator.
Click the link above
